Saturday, May 14, 2011

First post

I've been working in Software Quality Assurance for over 10 years, and it's been very exciting to see the changes in the field that have come from the open source community, cloud computing/virtualization, and evolving development processes.  Particularly in the last couple of years.

My goal is to make this a place to document things as I learn and share useful information/techniques with other QA professionals.

Here are a few things I may post about:


Selenium (RC, Flex Pilot, Grid, and the related company Sauce Labs), Robot Framework, FitNesse, Cucumber, xUnit frameworks, CI systems (CruiseControl, Jenkins, etc), configuration (Puppet, Chef), and task automation like Rundeck.  Possibly a bit about performance testing, too.


VMWare (ESX[i], vCenter, VCD, Workstation/Fusion), XenServer, libvirt, QEMU/KVM, Amazon AWS, and OpenStack.


Agile, DevOps, TDD, BDD.